A Technology Acceleration Platform
for emerging Photovoltaics
Light, flexible, semitransparent and adaptable – The Solar TAP innovation platform develops innovative solutions for multi-benefit photovoltaic applications.
Solar TAP is a Helmholtz initiative with the goal to accelerate the deployment of multi-benefit photovoltaics based on emerging printed PV-Technologies like organic photovoltaics and perovskites.
Solar TAP wants to make existing surface areas in agriculture, construction and transportation usable for the expansion of solar energy through the use of printed solar cells. In this way, not „only“ green energy is generated, but in certain applications additional benefits are created resulting in a „multi-benefit“ for the respective application.
Together with a network of industrial partners, Solar TAP is further developing the necessary technologies and transferring the results along the entire value chain „lab-to-fab“ in order to quickly make these new PV solutions market-ready and accelerate the commercial use of the technologies.
Solar TAP is a cooperation of the leading Helmholtz Centers for photovoltaic research.
In Solar TAP the three Helmholtz centers
- Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Solar TAP encompasses
- 3 Helmholtz Centers,
- 9 major research infrastructures,
- and more than 25 scientists.
are aligning their world class infrastructures in order to create the joint Technology Acceleration Platform and providing fast and simple access to laboratories, equipment and scientists through collaborative pre-financed projects.
Industry Network
Solar TAP wants to accelerate the transfer of technologies from „Lab-to-Fab“ through close cooperations with industry.
Within Solar TAP an active industry network is developed to foster the exchange between R&D and commercialization efforts. Solar TAP will create an environment to provide fast and proven solutions to industry by:
- transforming innovations from low to high TRL levels.
- reducing risks for industry by incorporating market needs into development.
- creating a technology roadmap for printed and multi-benefit PV.
- aligning nine world-class research infrastructures for targeted open innovation.
- harnessing the innovative energy of Helmholtz
Our infrastructures
Solar TAP combines some of the best research infrastructures in the world for the development, simulation and demonstration of emerging PV-technologies.

Printed solar technologies offer many advantages
and efficiencies that have caught up with Silicon.
Printed photovoltaics is
Produced as thin films on flexible substrates very low power-to-weight ratios can be achieved.
Transparency between 10% and 90% are possible.
Flexible and light-weight modules with different colors can be adapted to many applications.
Dependent on the choice of semiconductor red, green, blue and grey modules are possible.
color tunable
Combining multiple semiconductors makes it possible to tune the absorption spectrum.
Printed PV can be produced with significantly lower energy input and chemical waste.
Due to the simple production processes production of printed PV may be rapidly upscaled.
Substrates and packaging of printed PV represent 99% of the materials used and may easily be recycled.
The Solar TAP Community
Solar TAP is an active community of industry stakeholders and scientists that are working on the development of a sustainable emerging PV industry for applications in multi-benefit photovoltaics.
The industry days provide a forum for intensive exchange, information on participating companies, scientists, infrastructures and ongoing projects. Apart from tours of the research infrastructures the industry days feature live roadmapping workhops.
There are regular information sessions on Solar TAP via online streams.
The 1. live Solar TAP industry day with more than 60 participants took place on July 21st, 2003.
Leading Helmholtz Experts
The steering committee coordinates the activities of the Solar TAP platform across the three participating Helmholtz centers and with the industry network.
With Prof. Christoph Brabec, Prof. Eva Unger and Prof. Ulrich Lemmer the Solar TAP steering committee consists of internationally recognized experts for emerging photovoltaic technologies.

Prof. Christoph Brabec
Helmholtz Institute
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Prof. Eva Unger
Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin

Prof. Ulrich Lemmer
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Solar TAP Management
For the day-to-day management of Solar TAP the steering committe is supported by a management team – your first point of contact to Solar TAP
Solar TAP is coordinated by the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nuremberg, an institute of the Forschungszentrum Jülich.
The general manager of all Solar TAP activities is Dr. Jens Hauch. Wolfgang Mildner is managing the Solar TAP industry network.

Dr. Jens Hauch
Solar TAP Management
Helmholtz Institute
Forschungszentrum Jülich
+49 9131 12538-301

Wolfgang Mildner
Solar TAP
Industry Network Manager
Helmholtz Institute
Forschungszentrum Jülich
+49 9131 12538-300

Dr. Stefanie Ditze
Solar TAP Management
Helmholtz Institute
Forschungszentrum Jülich
+49 9131 12538-319