The “Solar Factory of the Future” (SFF) develops printing, coating, and patterning processes for high-throughput (HT) manufacturing of fully solution processed electronics, particularly of emerging photovoltaics (e-PV), utilizing its unique infrastructure, comprising roll-to-roll coating/printing, laser patterning, and encapsulation. The unique expertise of the SFF in the field of upscaling production processes of printed PV to a commercially relevant level originates from the combination of rational methods of ink formulation with smart coating and patterning procedures. As one of few research institutions worldwide, SFF is set up to provide module batch sizes up to the 100 m2 regime and has the competence to scale the output of its R2R processing line to the MW level. The combination of scientific expertise and technical competence positions the SFF to bridge the gap between laboratory research and industrial manufacturing regime. The SFF currently holds the efficiency world record for large area organic PV modules.