Dr. Björn Rau
Deputy director/Manger technology of Competence center Photovoltaics Berlin at HZB
Role in Solar TAP:
Principal Investigator
Research Institution:
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)

Dr. Björn Rau is Deputy Director of PVcomB, the Photovoltaics Competence Centre Berlin at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. After completing his doctorate at Humboldt University, the physicist worked at HZB on the development of innovative thin-film solar cells. As Head of Technology, he has been responsible for the development and operation of the scientific and technical infrastructure of PVcomB since 2009. The centre focuses on application-oriented research and industrial cooperation. One focus of his work is building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV).
As co-initiator and head of the consultancy office for BIPV (BAIP), he sees himself as a mediator between the world of photovoltaics and that of construction. He is also a board member of the “Allianz BIPV” and a member of the expert group of the “BIPV Working Group of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Photovoltaics (ETIP PV)”. In Solar TAP, he brings his expertise in BIPV, both in terms of PV technologies and communication with stakeholders.
Solar TAP Project
Contribution to Solar TAP:
As a BIPV expert, Björn Rau supports Solar TAP in discussions on stakeholder communication, as proximity to the end users of PV technologies is key to the targeted development of future technological solutions and their rapid implementation in the market and society. As a researcher, he and his colleagues support the project with PV yield analyses (simulations) and the optimisation of the system design of integrated PV systems.
Uniqueness of Solar TAP:
The cooperation of the three leading Helmholtz Centres for PV research creates added value that goes beyond the strength of the individual institutions. The excellent laboratories and other research infrastructure are used across the centres. The target-orientated networking with users in industry promises to focus research on realistic applications, thus ensuring fast and efficient technology transfer.
Contact Information
Email: bjoern.rau@helmholtz-berlin.de
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/björn-rau-164300265