Dr. Jens Hauch
Head of Research Unit “High Throughput Methods in Photovoltaics” and Solar TAP Manager
Role in Solar TAP:
Solar TAP Manager and Principal Investigator
Research Institution:
Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH (FZJ)
Dr. Jens Hauch is a physicist with more than 20 years of experience in technology development for all aspects of printed photovoltaics. His current research interests lie in the application of Materials Acceleration Platforms and Artificial Intelligence to accelerate the development of new functional materials for emerging PV-technologies.
As the Manager for the Innovation Platform Solar TAP, he has a strong focus on technology transfer from the Helmholtz Society into industry. This aspect of his work is particularly exciting to him, having spent his entire career at the interface between Science and Industry, making him very passionate about technology transfer.
Solar TAP Project
Contribution to Solar TAP:
In the laboratories, Dr. Hauch and his team synthesize and screen materials, optimize processes and architectures by utilizing a data-driven high throughput approach. In Solar TAP, they use these capabilities to develop and qualify new functional materials for solution-processed solar cells more quickly, reproducibly, and with thorough documentation.
As the Solar TAP Manager, he organizes outreach, develops the roadmap and market study, and builds the Solar TAP network as a pre-competitive research community.
Uniqueness of Solar TAP:
Solar TAP presents a real opportunity for both industry and Helmholtz scientists, providing the flexibility needed to quickly address industry needs while also preparing the necessary technological basis. The Solar TAP Network and the roadmap, generated with industry input, guide the application of resources towards relevant problems.
Contact Information
Email: j.hauch(at)fz-juelich.de
Phone Number: +49 9131-12538301
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hauch-jens-09394933/