Prof. Dr. Eva Unger
Head of the Department of Solution-processing for Hybrid Materials and Devices at HZB and Professor at HU Berlin
Role in Solar TAP:
Steering Committee
Research Institution:
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB)

Prof. Dr. Eva Unger is a leading researcher in the field of hybrid photovoltaics, currently specializing in the development of scalable solution-based processed for Perovskite PV devices. She did her undergraduate education in Chemistry at the University of Marburg and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at Uppsala University.
During her postdoctoral research at Stanford University in 2012-2014, she emerged as an early adopter of Halide Perovskite Photovoltaics. Eva Unger started her independent research group in a dual appointment between Lund University, where she held a tenure track position, and Helmholtz Center Berlin, where she led a young investigator group funded by BMBF. Since 2022 she is a Professor at Humboldt University Berlin funded by a Helmholtz program supporting excellent female scientists.
Solar TAP Project
Contribution to Solar TAP:
Prof. Dr. Unger will lead high-throughput engineering for new PV concepts within Solar TAP. Her group will focus on ink and process optimization for solution-based perovskite processing using scalable techniques such as inkjet printing and slot-die coating. Her teams aims at making semi-transparent perovskite photovoltaic prototypes for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and 4-terminal tandem photovoltaic systems, which are central to advancing the project goals.
Uniqueness of Solar TAP:
Unger is passionate about the mission of SolarTAP to enable direct collaboration opportunities between academic and industrial partners, particularly in the realm of renewable energy technologies.
Contact Information
Email: eva.unger(at)
Phone Number: (030) 8062 – 41373